Our Recital Theme
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When are the Dress Rehearsals?
Dress Rehearsal TBD(Subject To Change)
- Dress Rehearsals will typically take place at Walled Lake Northern High School prior to the recitals.
- Dancers are required to attend ALL dress rehearsals they are scheduled for.
- We try to limit our dress rehearsals; however, there is always the possibility that your dancer will have to attend more than 1.
- If a dancer misses a scheduled dance at dress rehearsal, they will not be permitted to perform that dance in recital. In the event of extenuating circumstances, it will be at the discretion of the studio director whether or not the child will be permitted to perform.
- We try to have our dress rehearsal schedules released by the end of March.
When are the Recitals?
- Each dance season will be concluded with an exciting recital that includes all registered dancers.
- Our Annual Recitals are typically held the second or third weekend in June (weekday performances possible) at Walled Lake Northern High School, please keep these dates available.
- Due to increased enrollment, we may have up to 4 recitals.
- We do our best to meet our client’s needs; however, we cannot guarantee siblings or friends in the same shows.
- All dancers are required to perform in our finale.
How Do I Order Tickets for the Recital? 
Every guest must purchase a recital ticket except children 2 and under may sit in a lap. No dancer will be allowed to enter the auditorium to watch the show without a cover-up and a ticket. Only dancers in 2 or fewer dances are permitted to watch the show. When entering and exiting the auditorium please make sure to have your ticket on you, you will need your ticket for re-entry. Tickets are non-refundable and seats may not be exchanged.
Tickets are available for purchase at www.tututix.com/artofd
- Go to www.tututix.com/artofd and select “Buy Tickets”
- Select your seats from the interactive seating chart
- Buy your tickets online, have them emailed or have commemorative tickets mailed…YES, IT IS REALLY THAT EASY!
(if your ticker order requires ADA seating you must call tututix to place your order)